
Results for query NFPA 704

diamond ratings (NFPA 704)

the four-diamond legend found on buildings and objects, which reflects the hazard degree of the contents.

NOTE Properly called NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) diamonds and based on the 704 standard developed by the NFPA, these symbols are used to provide a gross indication of flammability, instability and other data.

They are similar in intent to the class-divisions numbering found on dangerous goods placards and labels. The four sections contain ratings (ranging from one to four with four as the most severe) as follows: ⎯ The upper triangle (red) is the fire hazard and flash point rating.

⎯ The left triangle (blue) is the health hazard rating.

⎯ The right triangle (yellow) is the reactivity rating.

⎯ The lower triangle (white) is used to reflect any specific hazard indication.

standard (extract)
NFPA diamond; NFPA 704 (NFPA)

National Fire Protection Association (US)

standard (extract)